Committee Head:

Outreach Activities

Farmington Area Interfaith Association:

MCM is a member of FAIA and has partnered with other members of the group in various interfaith and community service projects.

Multicultural Multiracial Council of Farmington and Farmington Hills:

We have representation in MCMR, which is a council of the city that seeks to promote diversity and social justice.

Crossroads Soup Kitchen:

Twice a year, usually in February and in October, we go to Crossroads Soup Kitchen in Detroit with our neighbor- North Congregational Church. We help prepare and serve turkey sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches, and turkey/ chicken noodle soup. As many as 900 people are served in a day.

Rebuilding Together:

We have partnered with First Presbyterian Church to work on fixing/ renovating homes of low income families in Farmington Hills. This one-day project in April is part of Rebuilding Oakland.

South Oakland Shelter:

In August, when SOS is hosted by North Congregational Church, we assist by donating various food items, sponsoring a dinner, and helping out with setup and other services.
We also sponsor meals for SOS at other churches as needed.

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service:

We represent the Muslim community in this Interfaith service in November.